Who We Are

Hello and welcome to Wellspring’s Web site. As the title says, we feel this is Home. If you want, we’ll help you make it your home, too. If you are looking for a church that really believes and practices what the Scriptures say, you’ve come to the right place. If you are tired of the disappointments of life, welcome home. If you’re thinking there must be something more to your walk with Jesus, welcome home.

We believe the foundational purpose of the church is to bring believers to maturity and unity, and that mature believers in real relationships with people are the best means to make more believers. So, we focus our energies on the people in the church, and our people in turn focus theirs on the world around them. See A Charter for the Church  for more detail.

You have probably found your way here by a referral from a friend or one of our members. We hope you find the information you are looking for in these pages. If you don’t find what you’re looking for please feel free to email any questions you have to  .

God bless.